
Monday, December 06, 2021

Tom Winter - Running to be Montana's second House of Representatives member.

 Tom Winter is a Montana Dem House candidate who has me on his mailing list. This is one of those "It speaks for itself" emails -

Why Build Back Better can’t wait


I’ve been following the Build Back Better Act as it makes its way through Congress. And the more I see, the more important it looks to me that the decision-makers in Washington pass this bill right away.

We need to build a Montana where our people can feel safe from the different economic, environmental, and public health calamities our communities have been experiencing and will continue to experience. I believe the Build Back Better (BBB) legislation helps us build that Montana.

We owe it to the generations before us and the ones that come after to make this historic investment.

If you think it’s vital for Congress to pass Build Back Better before breaking for the holidays, will you join me and show it?

Add your name to my petition to Congress now to show you support passing Building Back Better before the holidays. Our voices are stronger when we speak together.

It’s not radical to believe that if you work a full-time job you should be able to afford a roof over your head, food on the table, and an education for you and your family.

What’s radical is having the power to change it and failing to pass anything.

Our children are being left behind as Montana is one of the only states without pre-k for kids and parents. The BBB will help stabilize lives by bringing pre-k to Montana’s kids both in the cities and rural underserved areas.

Our forests are burning, and our rivers are drying up, threatened by an ever-increasing pace of climate-induced natural disasters. The BBB bill will address Montana’s climate crisis with a focus on equity for Native Americans and rural communities specifically.

Every Montanan individually will benefit from thousands of dollars of direct and indirect investment in their communities — financed by *finally* getting the ultra-rich to pay their fair share.

We need the BBB, and we need it ASAP. Add your name today.

Montana is turning into a playground for out-of-state wealth — just ask the billionaires skiing at the Yellowstone Club. Montana families will be healthier, more prosperous, and safer when billionaires pay their fair share.

Standing with you in this fight,



 So, to not forget further helpful info; the Winter homepage and contribution page, online, respectively are:

Given Montana's current overly Republican representation in Congress, helping to oppose that means helping to fund one who'd push for Build Back Better aims; (and likely might listen to and talk to Bernie and Jayapal), were he to be elected. 

Give to help that possibility. 

Also, Winter is not without legislative experience; having served in Montana's government, with a history of sponsoring progressive legislation.

 Explore his campaign's website. Consider a donation

For snail mail contributions, this is from the footer from the Winter email opening the post -

Winter for Montana
PO Box 8248
Missoula, MT