
Thursday, December 09, 2021

Dec. 8, Tina Smith emails about the "Historic" infrastructure bill. Lady, pass the one the poeple want.

 She bulk-emailed -

Historic Infrastructure Bill Will Benefit Minnesota for Years to Come 

I was at the White House in November when President Biden signed the historic bipartisan infrastructure bill into law. I pushed hard to get the measure through the Senate and over the finish line because in the coming months and years, it will create thousands of jobs, make our state more competitive and improve the lives of rural, urban, suburban, and Tribal communities across Minnesota.

Last week, I also joined the President when he visited Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) in Rosemount to talk about how the new law will directly improve the lives of all Minnesotans. At that event, he highlighted not only how it will make badly needed upgrades to our roads, bridges and water systems, but also advance two of my top priorities: addressing the climate crisis and expanding broadband service to Minnesota communities that aren’t yet connected. 

The estimated impacts on key areas in Minnesota are historic. Minnesota will receive at least:

  • $4.5 billion for Minnesota highways
  • $302 million for Minnesota bridges
  • $680 million for lead service line replacements to update Minnesota’s water infrastructure
  • $297 million for Minnesota airports
  • $856 million for Minnesota transit systems in rural, suburban and urban areas
  • $68 million for electric vehicle charging in Minnesota
  • At least $100 million to expand broadband to the tens of thousands of Minnesota households that currently do not have internet access

As these historic investments are put in place in the coming years, Minnesotans will benefit in many ways.

- Tina Smith


Lady, business got theirs, and what, I am supposed to cheer?

Already Tina and Amy sat fully silent while Sinema and Manchin did Biden's dirty work of killing the better half of the so-called "Build Back Better" bill, and she now coarsely insults Minnesotans by saying Business got theirs, rah, rah, rah.

The midterms will give both Houses to the Republicans because of the shit being pulled on the "help families, young and old" end of things. 

 How stupid does this lady think voters are? Yes Trump lied. Yes Trump was a disaster. Yes Trump screwed the regular people. But so did Obama when he was ignoring the regular families being foreclosed right, left, and center while generously funding the finance sector after they'd tanked the market with their securitized mortgage debt sack of crap, after that bubble popped. 

So, give Biden credit for ending the Afghanistan boondoggle, but he's done nothing else but tout a bill his cable company business donors wanted. 

Big deal. Am I to applaud? 

Already the people's bill has been largely gutted, so pass it already! Do the job.