
Thursday, December 09, 2021

Cloud services will fatten off the tax-paying public, and neither Manchin nor Sinema say boo. Ditto the flakes' flake, MTG.

 Seattle Times carrying an AP feed from Dec. 8 - final two paragraphs:

Among the most influential organizations to rethink its approach of depending on a single cloud provider was the Pentagon, which in July canceled a disputed cloud-computing contract with Microsoft that could eventually have been worth $10 billion. It will instead pursue a deal with both Microsoft and Amazon and possibly other cloud service providers such as Google, Oracle and IBM.

The National Security Agency earlier this year awarded Amazon a contract with a potential estimated value of $10 billion to be the sole manager of the NSA’s own migration to cloud computing. The contract is known by its agency code name “Wild and Stormy.” The Government Accountability Office in October sustained a bid protest by Microsoft, finding that certain parts of the NSA’s decision were “unreasonable,” although the full decision is classified.

Manchin and Sinema must feel Amazon and Microsoft fit well into the policy biases each holds. Or else what, they only bleat when requested to by higher station officials? They leave the executive branch to spend freely? Old folks need dental care and the Pentagon and NSA need giant corporations? Strange world.

And what, Marjory Taylor Greene sits asleep at her Q-switch? Isn't  there the chance Q may have an insight? Cloudophilia threatens, instead of or in addition to pedophilia? Who knows?