
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

If you want to contribute fifty bucks to Pete Stauber and make him think it was me, or instigated by me, here is how.

Pete Stauber represents northern Minnesota's Iron Range idiots. Iron Range non-idiots vote Dem, and do not want to see his district irretrievably polluted with acid tailings runoff for over five hundred years; with that done for a few short term Iron Range jobs, which usually go to the idiots. To meet the headline, use this tracking link which Stauber's people embedded in an email from his auto-email account.

Don't you hate tracking emails? 

Last, the link is copied carefully from the Stauber email. It is believed to be able to get you to a Stauber money sink, if you care to give the guy your money. "Believed" is used because the tracking link was NOT verified. There is no way I would click upon an offensive tracking link like that, but you might. Especially if you are an Iron Range idiot who voted for Stauber in the last election.

The post could be ended here. But no. Here is a websearch link = becky rom

Blessed are the good guys, for they are protecting the earth.