
Tuesday, November 02, 2021

DWT - the gift that keeps giving. Progressive in heart and mind. Ohio mediocrity in the crosshairs.

Ohio Voters Have A Big, Big Decision To Make-- And The Consequences Are National

Ohio Senator Rob Portman (R) hasn't gone the fascist route the way so many of his colleagues have, either because it fits them ideologically or because they're petrified to cross Trump. Nor has Portman stood up to Trump or to his party's fascist drift. Instead he's been, basically, a mediocrity with the aspirations of being another Susan Collins. When he decided to retire after the current session, Ohio was given a real opportunity for an upgrade. And that upgrade-- Morgan Harper, a woman who flies in the face of mediocrity and horrifies the lesser-of-two-evils strategy the DSCC and Ohio Democratic Party use in their races-- is in an uphill battle for the Democratic nomination by the guaranteed loser Schumer has recruited, Tim Ryan, a wishy-washy nothing who is very much like Portman. He's another dull careerist with nothing to offer Ohioans except that he's on Team Blue, not Team Red-- and at a time when most Ohioans, all things equal, seem to prefer Team Red. Harper, on the other hand, is an intrepid fighter for Justice with a strong appeal not related to the two corrupted, compromised corporate political parties.

Harper disregards the DSCC diktat to never let anyone know what you stand for unless there's plenty of ambiguity and wiggle-room. Her campaign site's issues page lets Ohio voters know exactly what she intends to do in Congress-- like, for example:

  • Universal healthcare

  • Universal childcare

  • Universal education

  • Racial justice

  • Environmental justice

  • Reproductive rights

  • Workers rights

Compared what Morgan's website says about healthcare with what Ryan's website says.

Morgan Harper's website: "Healthcare is a human right. But our system is failing Ohioans, 1 million of whom lost their healthcare during the pandemic. Giving power back to our communities means that no one dies or goes bankrupt because of medical treatment, and everyone can afford their prescription drugs. The best way to achieve universal healthcare is by extending Medicare, a proven program, to every citizen.

Tim Ryan's website: "Congressman Ryan believes that affordable and accessible health care is a basic right for all Americans, and that health insurance is an investment not only in quality of life for our citizens, but also in our economy."

His platitudes about accessible health care are straight from the GOP playbook and any Republican could say the exact same thing without blinking. Her prescription is Medicare-for-All-- simple and clean and not about the insurance companies Ryan and the Democratic status quo Establishment are still very much stuck on-- just like the Republican status quo Establishment.

What the Democrats are counting on to pull Ryan over the finishing line-- the only thing they ever count on for their mediocre candidates-- is a blue wave. 2022 will not be a blue wave election. Democrats will be lucky if there's not a red wave... very lucky. Democratic candidates can win in a hostile environment-- but not by being bland and safe and hoping no one notices they're taking Republican-lite positions.
