
Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Democrat Shontel Brown won election in Cleveland.

 Outcome of second House special election in Ohio uncertain.

PBS Link. Quote:

A second special election is taking place in Ohio on Tuesday, this one for the open seat in the 15th Congressional District. Republican Mike Carey, a longtime coal lobbyist, and Democrat Allison Russo, a two-term state representative and public policy consultant, are competing to succeed Republican Rep. Steve Stivers, who resigned in April to become CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce after a decade in Congress.

The winner will fill the remainder of Stivers’ term and, like Brown, will face reelection in 2022.

More than 377,000 Ohioans had voted early as of Monday afternoon, either by absentee ballot or at early in-person voting locations, according to Secretary of State Frank LaRose. He said that was nearly 18% more early ballots than had been cast at the same point in 2019.

LIVE RESULTS: Virginia’s governor’s race

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Carey, calling him a “courageous fighter” and visiting the state to campaign for him. President Joe Biden endorsed Russo, who raised more money in the district than any Democrat in history.

Brown’s election in the 11th Congressional District marks a win for establishment Democrats, who sought to defend the district against a takeover by progressives. Her backers included Hillary Clinton, U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn and several labor unions.

But victory may be short-lived.

Already, Brown’s defeated primary opponent, progressive Nina Turner, has begun campaigning for the full congressional term up for grabs in 2022.

The teaser link about Virginia's Guv race was left in where the outlet put it, so readers can follow it. Many thought that Guv contest important. 

Go Nina. Win the full term. Make Congress better, along with others, rather than installing full term more suffering among the people via one more of the same old painful tone-deaf inner-party Dem stasis lovers.

[this post has been edited for final posting to assure clarity of outlook and beliefs]

UPDATE: a video

FURTHER: In some detail, for clarity, a judgment - Nina Turner's appeal to Crabgrass is less about what she says and how she says it, as it is about her early Bernie backing, her supporting Medicare for All, and her being one you can fully trust to mean what she says. No lies. No vagaries. What she says is said blunty and to the point, without straddle, prattle or empty platitude. Turner has her heart and her mind in synch in the right places. She is articulately aware of the need for U.S. government to change and treat its population with more conscience and wisdom than seen in the seventy-seven year Crabgrass author's lifespan. She fights. There is no quit to her. Finally, beyond doubt Nina Turner truly wants our government to be civilized and decent, despite great fortunes allied against anything approaching that goal. Add to that her abiding distrust of Joe Biden, which is yet another endearing charm.