
Friday, October 01, 2021

The threat of insider trading at the Fed.

 MSN publishes a Reuters item, "Fed resignations don't blunt calls for broader ethics changes." By Howard Schneider --- stating in part -

Powell has opened a broad review of Fed ethics rules and at a press conference last week promised change. Asked if he had confidence in Kaplan and Rosengren he replied with a curt "no one is happy."

Kaplan said he resigned because his activity "risks becoming a distraction" to the Fed. Rosengren cited a worsening of a longstanding health issue that he hoped to better control with a lifestyle change. He was accepted onto the kidney transplant list in June, 2020.

 Nobody is going to jail, but high positioning in the Fed is inherent "insider" status. So while there, don't trade. Blind trust holdings. Whatever, just don't profit from non-public knowledge of upcoming Fed policy/actions.