
Sunday, October 03, 2021

The refreshing thing about the womens'/Roe v Wade march, after all that Trump Jan. 6 junk? They did not abuse flags; U.S. or Confederate. They were not obnoxious that way.

Reporting of the march is all over the web. Two links, Buzzfeed here, and BBC here are offered to highlight the online images which show crowd size, conduct, and intent. Breitbart did not dare to try to spin it, they just turtled along as if it had not happened. The Breitbart way - not fit to our bias, not covered as "news." Finding instead Breitbart alternate facts.

So damned refreshing! None of that "wave the flag." None! Phony partiotism BS wholly absent, since these are real patriots marching for a genuine cause. Without need for nationalistic props. Signs, yes. Plenty, but no flag abuse. Not a deplorable among them.

And the QAnon Shaman did not show up! Two bonus points awarded.

Want more? No teargas. No projectiles from tricked out riot cops. No burned buildings. No people being grabbed by sunglassed suits and thrown into anonymous big black SUVs with darkened windows to be hauled away to mass holding grounds. 

And if that was a show of solidarity, just wait for the Trump appointees to hoe on Roe. It will be armed and dangerous, if that happens. Or it should be, since it's - For justice and fairness - For truth, justice, and the American Way - For the people -