
Friday, October 29, 2021

News today reminds me of how the failed Ramsey Town Center faced officials bringing in well compensated consultants to "rebrand" the thing, "The COR" as in "Core Of Ramsey." If you rename a dog that don't hunt "Champion," it's the same dog.

 Strib carrying an AP report of Facebook doing a dinky rebrand.

Some of Facebook's biggest critics seemed unimpressed by the name change. The Real Facebook Oversight Board, a watchdog group focused on the company, announced that it will keep its name.

"Changing their name doesn't change reality: Facebook is destroying our democracy and is the world's leading peddler of disinformation and hate," the group said in a statement. "Their meaningless name change should not distract from the investigation, regulation and real, independent oversight needed to hold Facebook accountable."

In explaining the rebrand, Zuckerberg said the name Facebook no longer encompasses everything the company does. In addition to the social network, that now includes Instagram, Messenger, its Quest VR headset, its Horizon VR platform and more.

"Today we are seen as a social media company," Zuckerberg said. "But in our DNA we are a company that builds technology to connect people."

The words connect and exploit have different meanings.

Mammon smiles.