
Thursday, October 14, 2021

If you still fail to believe that Obama's "healthcare reform" was an engineered sop to Big Insurance, eat this.

 Strib, local content, dated Oct. 14, "UnitedHealth Group's latest profit soars past $4 billion -- The Minnetonka-based health care giant raised earning guidance for the year as expectations for pandemic expenses held steady." 

And Biden and other losers tell you, polish it, don't revise. It is like polishing a brass eagle on a massive door; it can be a fascist eagle, or not, but either way, same brass, same polish, same shine. Just, they are robbing us.

With four billion in profits - not earnings but profits - spending a few million to buy politicians in DC is chump change to those pirates. 

So they do exactly that - Spend to Defend. After Obama sold us to them. 

We need Medicare for All, pharma prices bargained down, clinic and hospital reform, and if we do not get it, know who the enemy is deserving solely scorn, without mercy. 

They take the money and do not bite the hand feeding them money. 

And in return? Not hard to guess.

Not an answer? Or perhaps an answer: Strib online has another item, an AP feed,

Quarreling Dems must put aside differences, Schumer warns

 Schumer: Put aside decency and do as I say? That is Tom Waits singing you gotta get behind the mule, in the morning and plow. While wanting to watch others do that. His way. It becomes: Schumer's field of dreams needs plowing, you others, do the plowing. 

In short: Schumer has to go. [linked per an update - somebody has to top every list]

Moving on - 

Two links. First, a websearch yielding links that tell the truth. 

Know your enemies. 

Second, DWT, stating in part:

"At a time when working families continue to struggle," he [Bernie] wrote, "poll after poll shows that the vast majority of the American people support the provisions in President Joe Biden's $3.5 trillion Build Back Better Act. Some 88 percent believe we should lower the cost of prescription drugs, 84 percent believe we should expand Medicare to include dental care, hearing aids and eye glasses, 73 percent support establishing Paid Family and Medical Leave, and 67 percent want universal Pre-K. Further, 67 percent believe the federal government should raise taxes on high-income people and corporations to help pay for these desperately needed programs-- which is what this legislation does."

Before we get to the rest of his OpEd, I want to interject that yesterday CNN released new SSRS polling that finds overwhelming support for what Bernie and Pramila are trying to accomplish as they fight off the corrupt whores in both Houses of Congress who work for PhRMA and other greedy, selfish and anti-patriotic corporate entities. CNN's analysis shows that 75% of the Democratic Party's rank-and-file "prefer a bill that goes further to expand the social safety net and combat climate change over one that costs less and enacts fewer of those policies (20% favor a scaled-back bill). Support for an economic bill that enacts all of the proposed social safety net and climate change policies is broadest among liberal Democrats (84%), but two-thirds of moderates and conservatives in the party share that view (67%). Despite this relative agreement, the poll also suggests a near-even split among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents over which faction in this intraparty debate is doing more to help the party overall... Overall, 41% of Americans say they would rather see Congress pass an economic bill that enacts all of the proposed social safety net and climate change policies over one that enacts fewer of those policies and costs less. Thirty percent favor a scaled-down bill, and another 29% say they would like Congress to not pass any version of the bill, a sentiment driven largely by Republicans, 55% of whom would prefer to see the entire bill scrapped."

"So," asked Bernie, "given this overwhelming support, why is it taking so long for Congress to pass this bill? The answer is simple. Follow the money. As part of our corrupt, big-money dominated political system, the pharmaceutical industry is now spending hundreds of millions of dollars on lobbying, campaign contributions and television ads to defeat this legislation because it does not want Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices. In order to increase their profits they want American taxpayers to continue paying, by far, the highest prices in the world for our medicine-- sometimes ten times more than the people in
other countries."


 Bernie is quoted in detail in the remainder of Klein's post. You can read the quoting there, or you can follow the link to Bernie's op-ed, which is published online by FOX.

Last, Klein used this image, which has sufficient charm that it is "quoted" to the left (of course to the left, never to the right).

And, while reading the story, know two things: Bernie has to push hard, we all do, against others in the Democratic Party holding office and opposed to reform because they put personal greed first.

YET - IN CONTEXT - always remember while the Dems have bad apples in their bushel, ALL REPUBLICANS, both Houses, oppose fixing what is evil, corrupt and broken. ALL. Each and every one of them!

 So blaming a few Dems is justified; but do not ever forget that every fucking Republican in either House of Congress is where failure to have already attained cogent and decent reform lives, breathes, and defacates all over. 


With a presumption, the biggest whore takes in the most money, with the item unfortunately not looking beyond 2018; the challenge for every reader - who's taken in more total cash, both sectors, than Schumer? (Check the listing. Compare Schumer's numbers to Bernie's.) Does this raise questions in your mind?

DWT in an item mentions Schumer only twice, but in a context.