
Monday, October 11, 2021

I had a nightmare last night that I was traveling in an auto with Marjorie Taylor Green as the other occupant, she was talking and the radio was broken. And we were driving to pick up the QAnon Shaman so he could go and retrieve his headgear from the cleaners. Talk about waking up in a cold sweat, trembling . . . wanting to retch.

GA14 is the district that sent that harpy to Congress, and should be ashamed of it.

Going on tour with young Gaetz of Florida, who'd be running a hedge fund or such were it not for Dad being big in Florida Republican circles; paints Green even worse than words she speaks. 

So, my best understanding is that a few Republicans will primary her, and at least a couple of serious Democrats will seek a win in their primary.

Knowing next to nothing about the district, its history and needs, but knowing MTG stands against history and needs in order to ego trip on tour with Gaetz, she needs to be replaced with a cogent human.

For now, it is unclear, but at some point the challengers, either party, will have a most outstanding chance candidate; and it likely will not be one DCCC chooses and loves, since DCCC has the troublesome habit of supporting bought or buyable people who can kick in a bunch of money to go to DCCC approved consultants who will sell standard services - attack ads with creepy voiceovers, canned tout peices where only the name gets changed Congressional district by district, but the same stale touting wording runs true to form, droves of email money solicitations to little folk the candidate has no belief in representing but who might cut a check or Act Blue for a schlock person wanting to not care about your hopes and needs.

DCCC loves mediocre candidates, and has won some Minnesota races but in the two Congressional instances that come to mind, CD2 and CD3, it was candidate effort and not DCCC backing that defeated weak Republican candidates in those two swing districts.

This concern with GA14 is similar to my wanting to back a Dem challenger in Wisconsin's CD1, including modest contribution matching my budget when Paul Ryan was incumbent. 

For GA14, the aim is clear - an electable Democrat. Indeed Anyone Else But The Incumbent or some like-minded other Trump Republican, while also, ideally, a candidate who is more than totally tepid with more personal chutzpah and appeal beyond being able to fog a mirror and speak in complete sentences at Third Grade levels of comprehension. Not asking much. Just hoping.