
Friday, October 29, 2021

Howie Kline at DWT does not think much good is in the final BBB bill, or more correctly that almost all good got snookered out, as things got negotiated down from high ideals - and Klein says so bluntly.

At this link Klein wrote early in the item:

Apparently no one is going to challenge the social spending bill gutted clean of progressive priorities by corrupt conservatives, led by Manchin and Sinema in the Senate and Gottheimer, Schrader, Case, et al in the House.

(And Biden seems happy with the package, as fundamental change.)

Klein's headlining of the post was even more judgmental. 

New story? Progressives caved. 

UPDATE - Biden is hurting everybody by calling this gutted shell of a bill "historic" and by saying Congress make-up after the 2022 election hinges on passing the damned stripped down shell - think, rusted auto body, some windows left unbroken, with motor and transmission already removed, that's the Biden pride and joy and Manchin along with some others walked the plank to meet what Biden/Harris really intended.

Bernie, not Biden, represents the heart and brains of the Democratic Party. The Schumers in both Houses of Congress, they want a body having no heart or brain, their donors want that, and the Schumers above all want happy donors - it being the politics of serving their constituency.