
Sunday, October 24, 2021

FASCISM LEGISLATING: A chicken-feed bill emerging, with tons of chickenshit to go along with its passage. If progressives cave, hope is lost. Bought factions will grunt publicly, while kissing big Pharma's ring in private.

 In short: it sucks.

 Link. Do not pass either bill, unless the peoples' bill is NOT SOLD OUT.

Manchin and Sinema are the Biden/Harris fig-leaves for SELLING US OUT. 

Conveniently so. Carefully scripted. Allowing a Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer foursome of deceit to voice a "Who Me? Not me. Joe and K." And they surely are telling that lie often - where often enough, it gets believed as truth.

Oppose fascism winning, or wish you had? Table scraps do not taste good.

Fascism is fascism, whether topped by a strong boss or a collective. One party touts strong boss, the other touts its collective. Stronger together? Either way surveillance is imposed, policing being armed in line with wealth dictating mercilessly while watching tirelessly.

Is Congress your friend? Or friend to somebody else? Or, consider, has Congress been divided, thereby conquered? Is Bloomberg your friend? How is the hedge fund in which you invested doing? No hedge fund - well, no matter, . . .

Table scraps do not taste good.