
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Who took the money? Contractors outnumbered soldiers; big six death-contracting firms prospered and, stockwise, outperformed the market.

 The item calls them contractors, so the headline does too. Besides logistical support, non-military personnel included mercenaries, presumably since it's always been so, and the article did not break down numbers between fighting and non-fighting "contractor" personnel.

But it was a big money suck, as expected, and there is nothing to show for it, as expected. They say Osama bin Laden was taken out, but I never saw the body which, conveniently, was alleged to have been buried at sea by our armed forces so that they did whatever, but with no body to show the public.

Even so, are they saying we are safer now because of what was done?


So, exactly what can be shown besides ever growing volumes of opiate export from there?

Hearts and mines? Whose? 

Name a large and prominent five sided DC money rat hole, if you can.