
Sunday, September 05, 2021

Who are these people, each holding his/her hands to symbolize a human anus? A comment on who each is, or what each produces?

Why are they doing this? What motivation is at play, to glorify being an anus? Having one should be enough. The full thrust of the message is unclear.We can only take their word and - hand sign - for their belief in personal and group anushood. Who are they? Perhaps they could show us more on which to judge or identify them.
open the image in a new tab to see it better


This fucking thing is Orwellian. Read it. 

Agree or disagree. 

All those above pictured anus people are Orwellian. Each and every.


This is an abuse of powers perpetrated by a collection of clown-minds. Except that it is no joke because it has been designed to injure real people with real rights and impede those real rights for no decent reason but based only on a will to interfere in other people's business. It forces the cost of undoing the mischief on other people - they do it because they can and when it is judicially struck down they will try something else.

The thing even says at Sect.171.208(i)

       (i)  Notwithstanding any other law, a court may not award
  costs or attorney's fees under the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure or
  any other rule adopted by the supreme court under Section 22.004,
  Government Code, to a defendant in an action brought under this

while previously providing not only a ten grand bounty, but recovery of costs and attorney's fees to anyone bringing an action under the statute. 

It is a deliberate creation of a so-called "civil right" to interfere in the privacy of a doctor-patient situation, even to suing others beyond that relation, collecting a bounty, and getting a costs and fees recovery under "shall" language and not "may." Defendant has to carry any/all defense costs and fees, with recovery expressly barred by the above provision.

This is a clear abuse of legislative power by the above pictured anus folks. 

THOSE PICTURED: They have no consciences. They sin. They are really sick people. The sin is against all logic and against a nationwide reliance that legislators will act with decency and within law. Roe v. Wade being the law. They posture as if above the law.

Reading this stuff, it would be nice if we as a nation could just give Texas back to Mexico. Presuming they'd take it. Opinions can differ.


Unlike others, one news outlet posts what the court did issue, rather than saying things about what the court issued on a "trust me" basis. Link -

Follow that link, read all about it.


FURTHER UPDATE: Many will not take the time to read the several opinions. Hence a quote. Justice Sotomayor wrote in part:

Taken together, the Act is a breathtaking act of defi-
ance—of the Constitution, of this Court’s precedents, and of
the rights of women seeking abortions throughout Texas.
But over six weeks after the applicants filed suit to prevent
the Act from taking effect, a Fifth Circuit panel abruptly
stayed all proceedings before the District Court and vacated
a preliminary injunction hearing that was scheduled to
begin on Monday. The applicants requested emergency re-
lief from this Court, but the Court said nothing. The Act
took effect at midnight last night.* [footnote omitted]

Today, the Court finally tells the Nation that it declined
to act because, in short, the State’s gambit worked. The
structure of the State’s scheme, the Court reasons, raises
“complex and novel antecedent procedural questions” that
counsel against granting the application, ante, at 1, just as
the State intended. This is untenable. It cannot be the case
that a State can evade federal judicial scrutiny by outsourc-
ing the enforcement of unconstitutional laws to its citi-
zenry. Moreover, the District Court held this case justicia-
ble in a thorough and well-reasoned opinion after weeks of
briefing and consideration. 2021 WL 3821062, *8–*26 (WD
Tex., Aug. 25, 2021). At a minimum, this Court should have
stayed implementation of the Act to allow the lower courts
to evaluate these issues in the normal course. Ante, at 2
(ROBERTS, C. J., dissenting). Instead, the Court has re-
warded the State’s effort to delay federal review of a plainly
unconstitutional statute, enacted in disregard of the
Court’s precedents, through procedural entanglements of
the State’s own creation.
The Court should not be so content to ignore its constitu-
tional obligations to protect not only the rights of women,
but also the sanctity of its precedents and of the rule of law.

If they do not earn respect, why respect anyone? Five clowns on the Court instead were "content to ignore" a "constitutional obligation to protect not only the rights of women, but also the sanctity of Court precedents and the rule of law." That is truth! So, again we see, all it takes to thumb your nose at precedent is a five clown majority - willing to dance. A burning truth. The only real problem with Court packing in response is that Biden is President, so what's to be expected if he gets appointments? We should wait to enlarge that bench until AOC or a similar person gains the Presidency. Make it matter.

[note - the final paragraph above was revised for clarity]



Within that item, an image where if they could get pregnant the story would be different -



__________FURTHER UPDATE__________

Going back to that opening image. A whole lot of white it that room. 

Looks to be mostly men wanting to impose upon women who are not there, and not represented among the entire anus group. Group the women together to make it look like there's more of 'em.

These excerpted image segments - 

 What does it look like to you? A bunch of smirking suits, old white good ol's, looking as sincere as gravediggers? Smirking over how cute they are. If any one of them had a knocked up daughter, they'd likely quietly go clinic, because they are in it for the money and the consultants and pollsters said DO IT not because you care but because many in the lame-brained base do? Can you read such motive into the image? Do what helps you collectively gets more time in office? Suck up to biases of the base. 

Do you think Mr. Crooked bow-tie cares? One way or the other? Mr. White Hat? Big Tan Suit, next to White Hat? 

Cynical grinning troublemakers is what it looks like to me. Alito types. But no Thomas type, this bunch. It's Texas, after all.

Certainly, inferring much from a single image has doubt, but, readers, how do you read the image excerpts?

The images memorialize individuals in a single moment of time. Smug time. Time to posture in those quite expensive looking suits. All dressed up for the good ol' photo op.

All dressed up good ol' boys doing a good ol' thing for the good ol' hell of it. Because they can. They're Texas Republicans. Special that way.