
Friday, September 10, 2021

Everybody knows by now that U.S Attorney General Merrick Garland filed suit to block enforcement of the Texas abortion-hate thing they cooked up down there. This is almost an obligatory post to acknowledge it. With some analysis.

AP coverage carried by Strib, here

It is a suit claiming federalism preempts the Texas mischief. May it find willing judges.

However, the Supreme Court is what it has been turned into, a freak show enough even before the Trump appointment of a handful of biased Catholics. And the entire federal preemption argument faces a five-count knockout, for whatever ginned up logic torture that bunch figures best. 

Arguing federal preemption, via Roe's standard of federal constitutional law, is not the same as having a preemptive statute in place. Roe is the Court's. To keep or can. Bet that bunch knows it, and will try to torpedo things killing Roe not with a bang but a whimper. Trying to minimize the waves from rocking the boat enough to sink the boat.

It is not good times for freedom of individuals if half the two genders are to be told, "Sorry, have the kid." That is hateful imposition over the will and free choice of others. Nobody seeks to interfere with a choice to carry a pregnancy to term to have children of the next generation to raise and teach, hopefully to not shoot one another before adulthood as sometimes happens and is ginned up to sell media.

One generation following another is the normal course of keeping the human race going, but to impose it heartlessly against one wanting to opt out is the height of interference in the lives of others. Is that who we are as a nation? Or are we better?

At a guess, this Court, we are not better. Insincere Rand Paul can bellow about freedom and need for a lack of government interference hither and yon, but bottom line is he is a freedom-hater when it comes to throwing red meat to the GOP's sick base. He is a Trump that way, and a worry against the good of the nation.

What in the world makes these folks believe it is their duty and grace to fuck around in the private decision making of others? With insincerity about "sanctity" of life, when actual living persons - real live individuals - go homeless or die under a cop's knee in a way the same "sanctity" mouths are accompanied with blind eyes when truly living, breathing, hoping persons are put to suffering by government will or indifference, either motive being behind the shameful outcomes.

We can be more decent humans. But we should consistently first prioritize true humans, and then get to debate over embryo status; not ass-backwards as the "religious" right wants our world to honor their prejudices.

May the Attorney General's effort succeed. And may progressives run and earn ample GOTV effort and a consequent big turnout in November 2022 and 2024.

It is not too much to ask for, is it?