
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

David Sirota's Daily Poster suggests the Texas abortion-hate mess could be cleaned up by a stop to diddling and showing a spine and a brain on the end of it.

Closing words, this Daily Poster post -

[... follow the link for the full story]

No Excuses

The arguments against passing the Women’s Health Protection Act are pathetic.

Biden promised it, and 48 Senate Democrats are sponsors of the legislation. Avoiding this confrontation in order to appease two Democratic holdouts — Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania — is unacceptable.

Likewise, citing arcane filibuster rules as reason for Democrats to not even have this fight is equally ridiculous.

At a time when Republican legislators and judges are laying waste to the rules protecting women’s health, a change in Senate rules is the absolute least that can be done. Citing the filibuster as some sort of undebatable law of nature or immovable object is as absurd and insulting as pretending an unelected, fireable parliamentary adviser is the reason America can’t get a $15 minimum wage. You have to be either a #TeamBlue zombie, a pundit on the take, or a gullible moron to accept such obvious bullshit.

That, saying delay is inexplicable, is one step removed from saying a cynical money-raising ploy is at play. Once the Blumenthal bill is passed, game over.

So, whose goose is better fed by delay? 

Beyond that, the fifteen buck minimum wage mention in that final paragraph has been depreciated in value with all the pump priming spending flooding the money supply. 

Now the theme: $22 in 2022, Make it a campaign slogan. Things can always settle for less, say fifteen bucks an hour.