
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Sorensen at Bluestemprairie writes of MN GOP Chair events from a MN CD1 media persepctive.

Sorensen has over the years been attentive to that part of the State.

No excerpt here. Read her entire post. She does a thorough review of recent media coverage within the CD1 area, references a video involving area Republican politicians, and even posts an image from Hagedorn's Facebook postings. An image that in hindsight Hagedorn might regret.

It appears Hagedorn sent out a fearmongering "critical race theory" mailer during his wife's recent stormy days. Read about it at the bluestemprairie post. Again, online here.

Before closing, it is noteworthy and unexpected to see Sorensen and Mitch Berg on the same page, but both are in agreement that the MN GOP is in dire straits. With both saying that, it has to be true. 

Sorensen does not focus on the upcoming Party audit, the MN GOP financial dire straits, separate and apart from the coming apart of inner Party cohesion after the Lazzaro/Castro Medina situation gained public attention.

Hagedorn seems on a hot seat, and may die in two years, yet the mailing mentioned at Bluestemprairie suggests a will to tough it out without stepping aside for any alternate GOP MN CD1 aspiring soul. For now, it remains his seat to lose or hold.

Check out what Sorensen writes.