
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Crystal balling the confab of the 300, to vote in a new MN GOP Chair, and what to expect faction-wise, from our Republican friends.

 Being brief. There are Daudt and his aims and friends. And others.

But things are never simple. There are Carnahan people; she did have a base.

And then - The New House Republican Caucus, begun recently, per reporting here and here, and their website. A foursome like the Beatles, but unable to make music.  Tone deaf. The term "rump caucus" comes to mind. 

Then, to prove they have gravitas, they have an actual outcast.

So, expect a fringe circus while the main inner party types have friends and enemies among themselves. Chaos, in short. Counterproductivity, but then, they are Republicans.

I was wondering if David Fitzsimmons was still up to anything after leaving Minnesota to be key aide to Emmer. Then I read a little. He was Fischbach's campaign manager, now her lead Congressional staffer. Eric Lucero sure did Fitsimmons one hell of a big favor. By being himself and running anti-gay as times were changing except in the most backward of legislative districts.

Lucero and Jesus and embryos will be in the 300 club. Prominently so.

Perhaps the Party will bring in minimum-wage popcorn vendors. Cotton candy machines.

So that's what to expect and it will all be secret within that big tent group; and nobody will leak anything to anybody, ever, during the deliberations. And they will keep that discipline without NDAs needed, because they have unity, cohesion and a singularity of purpose.

The guess is Mitch Berg will be there, from a Congressional District where Republicans are irrelevant. But he does write well, and offers insights. Ditto, Andy Aplikowski who years ago abandoned blogging, to the detriment of the rest of us knowing what goes on in Republican inner party shenanigans. Andy is a second generation Republican inner party operative, with opinions. But a decent heart.

Mary Kiffmeyer will be there. Along with Ralph, presumably. There to see that neither get named Chair, were they to be absent.

That is what to expect. And more. And then some.

Something worth saying in fairness to Mitch Berg. I know his grief. I am in a Congressional District where Democrats are irrelevant, much more so progressives, who the inner party Dems don't like except for door-knocking and phone-banking, where progressives excel while between such needs they are fully ignored by the Bidens, the Clyburns, the Amys and the Smiths. Ken Martin will not be there, but he will issue press releases.

Freedom Club ownership need not be there. There will be surrogates; per donor info here and here and here. Not big donations, but consistent ones. So know the players without being given an official Party score card.

They will be serious. They will be at one another. They will pick a new Chair. Most will leave somewhat satisfied to happy with the new choice, many will be sore losers.

UPDATE: It is wrong to close this post without a prediction. Okay. Don Lee, for Chair. See if that calls it correctly.