
Monday, August 16, 2021

AP - An ignoble end to America’s longest war. "WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden and other top U.S. officials were stunned on Sunday by the pace of the Taliban's nearly complete takeover of Afghanistan, as the planned withdrawal of American forces urgently became a mission to ensure a safe evacuation. The speed of the Afghan government's collapse and the ensuing chaos posed the most serious test of Biden as commander in chief, and he was the subject of withering criticism from Republicans who said that he had failed. Biden campaigned as a seasoned expert in international relations and has spent months downplaying the prospect of an ascendant Taliban while arguing that Americans of all political persuasions have tired of a 20-year war, a conflict that demonstrated the limits of money and military might to force a Western-style democracy on a society not ready or willing to embrace it."

Headlining is the AP's opening three paragraphs run together, to define the focus of this post. How can the AP publish such horseshit? Didn't the Vichy French fold after Germany's withdrawal? Don't unpopular occupancies go that way? Always?

India, after British occupation, a big civil war but both sides glad to see the Union Jack disappear? Vietnam, after Dien Bien Phu and aftershocks? Michelin lost rubber plantations, but the peasantry was glad to see conflict peril to their water buffalo ending, much as U.S. farmers do not want their tractors damaged.

The DC creeps, both parties, Deep State administrative types, we can call them the "bipartisan and agency intelligensia," - they ALL knew exactly what would happen.

There are lies, and big lies, and the entire AP item rings the bell in category 2.

Collaborators aiming for a quick exit a step ahead of retribution - big, new story?

Get real. Any honest person you might be able to find in DC will tell you the truth. The problem there, Diogenes' lamp would burn out, he'd be footsore, searching.

Hypocrites Unite! We have nothing to lose. If credibility were to have existed, that would be threatened with loss. No problem. No cred. No loss. 

AP cred? You figure that one out.

Biggest hypocrites? The Republicans critiquing Biden's ending the freak show that Little Bush inflicted on us, Liz Cheny's dad doing drum beating and inciting the ENDLESS WAR ON TERROR as Little Bush sold it along with the selling of Colin Powell's cred.

Making a list:  Actually, already made and featured. Do you see "Perpetuation of the Bushco Endless War on Terror" anywhere on the list? Not a priority, nor should it be, in anything like a sane and decent world. 

Keeping control of the heroin trade, not on the list, yet somehow possibly a priority that Obama kept aflame, Biden attached back then, and now Biden sinks that rotten boat. Or appears to. Good move. The Pentagon will not miss that one, the CIA will. It was a big failure at the box office. It appears over. 

Enough. May the story end here. Give Biden credit. Trump presaged the ending. So give him credit for that, regardless of other legacy nostalgia.

The only thing left is to shrink Homeland Security bloat; Pentagon bloat; DC consultancy bloat. And to tightly shut the revolving door keeping all that stuff going.

May it happen. Sometime. Even if not in my lifetime or yours. 


Strib, nobody putting name to it, instead, "Editorial Board" writing, "America's fiasco in Afghanistan - The withdrawal debacle and Afghanistan's fall to the Taliban will have enduring impact for Afghans, Americans and the world."

The fiasco was Little Bush starting the stupidity, with a second front in Iraq. If you believe the official 9/11 story, bless you. If you believe an inside job demolition as pretext for 9/11 false justification, bless you. Either way, a long unwanted occupancy, all that wasted wealth which could have gone to improving life in the U.S. of A. for US was pissed down a rat hole.  

Biden had the guts to call it a dead waste of lives and resources, and to get out. Something Obama skated on. Trump kicked the can down the road. The whole sick adventure was something that never was helpful to the U.S. of A. 

Get over it. Move on to better use of national wealth than screwing over some fairly primitive people half a world away - because we could. Because some junior officers wanted their combat ticket punched.

Rumsfeld croaked before the ending in Afghanistan. Too bad. Cheney can see it and Little Bush can paint a watercolor of it. Move on. Biden did the right thing.

Biden's domestic policy "bipartisanship" is what he should be hammered over, not really pushing for better for US. Serving oligarchs instead. Serving Mammon. Keeping up appearances, but not pushing much over a finish line. However, getting out of Afghanistan - the sooner the better, and it was done and it is over. Give Biden credit where it is due.

________FURTHER UPDATE________