
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

An image.

Graveyard Of Empires-- This Time Owned By Trump & Pompeo

Pompeo meeting with Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in Doha

A question in passing, why so many U.S. citizens in Afghanistan, if Trump and Pompeo had negotiated a withdrawal which Trump wanted finished before Christmas, 2020? Many to be evacuated, besides troops. What were they building in there?
After losing the election, Trump dropped the Christmas idea, leaving it for Biden to mop-up. Moving from the evacuation goal to saying he won, vote counts aside.

We never should have been there. 

Wealth that could have been used to improve lives here, went there.

Somebody besides the early-exit puppet leader we installed made tons of money.

Image from here, which in turn links here.

Do not expect it, but a detailed investigation into who profited from that and from the Iraq incursion would, perhaps, prevent such intentional blunders as the Bush family handed us time after time in the family's thrust of New World Order.

As to all the whining against Biden and inefficiency and error in ending the mistake today vs. yesterday, history is full of lessons. Billy Joel.
Rolling Stones and guidestones, our nation's people seem to know more about one than the other.  And there's no suggestive ongoing mystery to Mick and band.

This and that. Who's at bat?

Fight the Deep State? Fish or cut bait.

Internet? What's your bet?