
Thursday, July 08, 2021

You know Nina Turner is not tight with the Democratic Party Establishment, they fear her winning, and they do not want an effective progressive to ever win. It rocks their boat when it happens. And believe it - They don't want their boat to be rocked. They can make peace with an AOC, but you have to know Pelosi and other Inner Party fixtures were tight with the incumbent old entrenched career politician-hack AOC ousted in a primary contest the self-satisfied creep didn't bother to take seriously until the primary votes had been counted.

 Shontel Brown is tight with those who held office and did little to nothing for the people. Hillary Clinton endorses her. And when she needs a photo-op prop, she gets a photo-op prop. Pronto, smiling, and featured. Shontel's In The Loop; big time; ya betcha.


Wall Street - Big Banks - Big Pharma - Bill Gates - Big Pentagon and other flavors of monied corporatism is each quite uncomfortable with Nina Turner. Turner speaks her mind, and does not mind-meld with the instructions handed down from Inner Party mullahs. 

To me, the screen capture below presents positive talking points for Nina Turner as an independent mind unlikely to suck up to Pelosi , to Biden, or to Blinken and Schumer, instead to represent needs and aspirations of regular people in her district, not billionaires or Wall Street people who can be criminal but never seem to go to jail - whichever party regulars hold sway for the moment in DC federal power machinations. 

Nina is not like that. Not at all. She's better. She's blunt.

Here is from Shontel Brown's campaign webpage:

click the image to enlarge and read


Nina will rock the fucking boat, god bless, because it needs to be rocked.

Related links; here and here. Each worth the time to read.


Bookmark these, and contribute:

(If the main website page link is saved, the "DONATE" link toggles quickly.)


You can track down Brown's endorsements if you care - local district party regulars, climbers like Brown herself, plus Hillary and the smiling Martha's Vineyard waterfront estate guy. (Now Clyburn too!)

NEXT AND LAST: A screen capture of Turner's "Members of Congress" endorsement listing. (If the names are unfamiliar to you perhaps you should leave Crabgrass and link here or here.) 




DWT excerpts at length an item relevant to the Nina Turner - Shontel Brown contest, with a preamble written by Howie Klein. In part, preamble first:

The Congressional Black Caucus has some of the best members of Congress-- Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Mondaire Jones, Ayanna Pressley, Ilhan Omar, Barbara Lee, Nikema Williams, Bonnie Watson Coleman, Joe Neguse-- but those aren't the generally status quo-backing caucus' decision-makers. Senior Democrats like Jim Clyburn and... well, Jim Clyburn calls the shots at the CBC.

A couple of weeks ago, Clyburn endorsed against Nina Turner in the Cleveland special election House race. Yesterday, the CBC did the same, despite the fact that Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Mondaire Jones, Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar are enthusiastic backers of Turner. (So is Blue America and you can contribute to her campaign by clicking on the ActBlue 2022 congressional thermometer on the left.) Another CBC member-- corrupt Columbus payday lender shill Joyce Beatty, the current CBC chair-- also endorsed against Turner, who has a long record of opposing the kind of grotesque corruption that has defined Beatty's career.

"[T]he CBC PAC’s endorsement," wrote Ally Mutnick yesterday, "is notable because it reinforces another through line in today’s Democratic politics: the Black Caucus’ battle against the left. As Ocasio-Cortez-inspired candidates readied to take on veteran Black members of Congress last cycle, the CBC rallied to protect its own.

Yesterday the Black Agenda Report ran an important interview with York College Africana Studies professor Yannick Marshall.[...]

The DWT presentation re Marshall is expansive and speaks for itself. In ending this post update, this brief quote from the end of the DWT excerpt:


Black radicals are here to stay. Come up off that mic and get out before you get “looted”. And take those Barack and Michelle posters with you. They never belonged to us.
The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards Malcolm.
Peace after revolution.

Lines are drawn, efforts are afoot to expand a status quo, and in opposition, to hold it. Nina runs to evolve better ways, Shontel to hold the line. Malcolm is distant from Clyburn. Progress is not stasis.

The primary will be in August. 

__________FURTHER UPDATE_________

More links. 

JewishInsider: An Ohio special election highlights the Democratic divide  -- Shontel Brown has the support of establishment Democrats, while Nina Turner is vying to join ‘The Squad’

By Matthew Kassel - February 11, 2021


ClevelandPlainDealer: Shontel Brown must resign as Cuyahoga County Democratic Party chair
Updated Feb 19, 2021; Posted Feb 19, 2021-- 


 02/16/2021 09:00 am ET Updated Feb 18, 2021 ---

HuffPo: Ohio Election Tests The Left’s Strength In Establishment Stronghold ---
Former state Sen. Nina Turner, top Cleveland Democrat Shontel Brown and other moderates are vying to succeed Rep. Marcia Fudge. By Daniel Marans