
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sirota looks at what might be the decisive issue in the Cleveland area open-seat House contest between Nina Turner, a progressive wanting reform, and Shontel Brown, opponent of CHANGE and opponent of HOPE for anything disturbing her own comfortable status quo. That focal issue Turner is pushing is Medicare For All.

Sirota's DailyPoster link

Clyburn is backing Brown. Both Brown and Clyburn oppose Medicare For All healthcare reform. Turner has featured it as a pivotal issue.

In the linked post, Sirota embeds a Nina Turner 30-sec ad resoundingly in favor of Medicare For All. Follow the link to view it. And to read Sirota's details.

Earlier, Sirota posted about the corporatist Dem establishment's distaste toward Nina Turner, this quote from there.

As progressive icon Nina Turner racks up local endorsements and surges in the polls in a closely watched congressional race, Washington lobbyists and business-friendly Democrats are working to try to block her victory in the August 3 Democratic primary for Ohio’s 11th congressional district.

Last week, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton endorsed Turner’s opponent, Shontel Brown, in what observers saw as a response to Turner’s association with Bernie Sanders. On that same day, lobbyists and a corporate-aligned Democratic House coalition hosted a fundraiser to boost Brown, after a poll sponsored by Turner’s campaign found her with a commanding 50-15 lead in the race.

Punchbowl posted an invite last week for the fundraising reception “honoring” Brown. Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif., a caucus vice-chair of the corporate New Democrat Coalition in the House, was listed as a special guest at the event. The coalition’s PAC, NewDem Action Fund, was listed as a host.

That "50-15 lead" favoring Turner is cause to contribute, since early polling can be offset by big money against Turner and by complacency over a 35 point lead. 

Please contribute to try to keep those numbers into the Aug 3 primary.

Besides the 30-sec item Sirota features, Turner has a minute long ad on YouTube.

Shontel Brown will not rock corporate Dem boats. Nor Big Pharma yachts. Nor the Clyburn ego trip. 

Brown belongs in local Cleveland politics.

Nina Turner belongs in the House.

 UPDATE: To contribute to Turner's candidacy