
Friday, July 23, 2021

Rapacious broadband weasels [called "ISPs" = Internet Service Providers] in the crosshairs. But crosshairs are only prelim --- nobody gets anythng [aside from unconscionable ISP profiteering remaining the norm] until Biden pulls the trigger. Will he? Ever? How long can he comfortably get away with keeping the 2-2 deadlock in the FCC; and if he moves, what quality of appointment might we foresee?

Ars Technica, here, here and here.  Trump has the excuse for the Ajit Pai years - he's an asshole and appoints like minded thralls of money politics and greed.

Now, Biden? What's his decades-long track record? Uh-huh. 

How are Hunter's works of art selling? Has there been an auction? Any public notice?

When Hunter's "art auction" scheme first surfaced, there was some coverage. Now? What deeds have been done? 

The Biden family is an unimpressive one. Compared to the Trumps and Bushes, no better, not worse. Same old. But what did you expect?

At least the Clintons seem quelled to having to endure an elected office drought since start of this millennium. (Actually since Hillary left the Senate.) There is some good to be said for present times.

But Joe Biden could be kin to the Clintons; at least spiritually, ethically, whatever. Career politicians becoming millionaires from that career is an unseemly truth. 

Or do you disagree?

On a tangent or part of thread integrity: If in a contest to describe in one single word the illness or our times, my choice would be "Zuckerberg." As "Kissinger" was, earlier in time. Different symptoms. Otherwise . . .