
Monday, July 26, 2021

Ice Cream Wars. Sometimes a politician should have the good sense to step aside and let time and online attention spans run a few attentional half-lives. Without comment.

Some cannot resist. Bending to misguided counterproductive urges.

Click the image to read, lol, and move on. Or - this link. says -

Florida follows in the footsteps of the state of Texas, whose comptroller announced on Thursday that the government is examining whether the Ben & Jerry's ice cream company violated the state's anti-BDS laws.

Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar said his office was investigating whether Ben & Jerry's had taken a "specific action" which would trigger Chapter 808 of the Texas Government Code.

Kan 11 News reported on Thursday that Illinois and New Jersey are also considering stopping their state investment in Ben & Jerry’s and Unilever.

Earlier this week, Israel’s Ambassador to the US and the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, penned a letter to the governors of all 35 US states which have passed so-called “anti-BDS laws” and called on them to activate their states’ respective anti-BDS laws against Ben & Jerry’s.

Republicans have been calling for a boycott of Ben & Jerry’s following its announcement that it will cease selling its ice cream in Judea and Samaria.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) urged Americans to "take a stand" against Ben & Jerry’s following the decision.

"I think it’s really important that Americans here send a message to Ben & Jerry’s by not buying their ice cream, quite frankly," Malliotakis said in an interview with former Democratic New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind. "To try to deprive people of their ice cream is really just outrageous and they shouldn’t be participating in what is the BDS movement."

On Tuesday, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio criticized Ben & Jerry’s decision to boycott Judea and Samaria.

“I can say I will not be eating anymore Cherry Garcia for a while,” said de Blasio in a video shared on social media.

He called the company’s decision “sad.”

“I don’t know them well but I’ve met them over the years and I think they’re good people, with good values,” de Blasio said. “But this is a mistake. They shouldn’t do this.”

Apartheid enablers! Republican Apartheid-huggers! (+ de Blasio)

Common fools intent to score AIPAC Benjamins with which to further incumbency opportunity? Campaign onward, never mind the absurdity? 

DeSantis acts. For a better and more enlightened and compassionate Florida? What?

Apartheid booster roosters - crowing. Let 'em eat frozen yogurt (or BaskinRobbins). Ben don't need 'em. Jerry don't need 'em. But Unilever should sue. Unilever has a deeper pocket than Florida.

Don't you love the rhetorical ring of boycott Ben and Jerry because Ben and Jerry boycott Israeli expansionism into territory seized by force of war. My boycott's better than yours? Tuned to a higher moral melody. Holier than thou.