
Sunday, July 18, 2021

Happening Today! It looks to be a ZOOM thing, Progresive Democrats of America, sponsoring a Nina Turner townhall.

This link, excerpted:

Special Healthcare Town Hall Sunday with Nina Turner! RSVP Now!

Jul 16, 2021 | PDA News

[...]  Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) proudly joins with and promotes leaders like Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-WA, and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT who regularly and especially at times of great adversity fight for someone they don’t know. This #COVID19 pandemic is just such a time, and these leaders are all working to #ExpandMedicareNow while at the same time helping to provide the full quality and equity that is clearly still needed with #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll.

[...] Senator Turner will be our special guest for this week’s PDA Healthcare Emergency Town Hall, Sunday July 18, 4p ET / 1p PT.  We are eager to hear her perspective from the special election campaign trail that is coming down to the wire with early voting already in progress, and eager to hear how we can be of help to her campaign. And second guest this week will be another champion and candidate for Congress in CA-30, Shervin Aazami.

[...]  See previous Town Halls archived on YouTube here.

UPDATE: The opposition to Turner is organized and sophisticated, yet truth and fairness ought to win out.  In theory. If winning seldom, in practice. Which reflects back to the propaganda skills and deep pockets rallied against Turner. 

Three items Crabgrass readers should study to see a background dimension to the contest besides support for either status quo or progress; respectively local, national and international. Perhaps the Russians even have a preference, but not one easily tracked down. They are the ones who've gotten all the negative finger-pointing as "international meddlers" in U.S. elections.

FURTHER: As to subtle messaging skills, what do readers make of a juxtaposition of the two candidate photo image inclusions the local paper choose to use in presenting its online analysis of both of the two leading Democratic primary candidates:

 Grim-faced men and Tina there with her short haircut.


Smiling, at a coffee shop rated three stars out of five by Yelp.


Anger vs fellowship; progressives vs entrenched inner party? Seriousness vs restaurant hopping; progressive directness vs inner party operative ways and means in greeting and forming solidarity? What's it all about?

Propaganda need not be in-your-face aggressive, and arguably is more effective when not. Is each photo a "thousand word" equivalent, or more, to persuade the district's Shaker Heights vote?

FURTHER: This election is not in some vacuum, but in a populated Ohio gerrymandered predominantly Democratic district with demographics. Moreover, the special election is front burner; with GOTV effort, spending, media attention, and turnout expectations in excess of most special elections.


FURTHER: Grassroots inner party vs Grassroots progressive non-contents is the contest; with Republican crossover mischief possible or not depending on Ohio election structure and procedure law, which was not researched. Per Wikipedia statistics, the reelection margins Rep. Fudge attained prior to her joining the Biden cabinet and the presidential election results together suggest Republicans in that district don't matter. Rep. Omar's Minnesota District 5 might be similar, except for Ohio CD11 snaking into Shaker Heights being arguably different from Omar's MN5 extending to include a part of contiguous suburbia.