
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak embraced the "right to repair" movement in a Cameo video. He said Apple itself wouldn't have existed without an open technology world.

 Right to repair [or have a device repaired] is something Biden is looking at. The Crabgrass headline is first paragraph, ZeroHedge reporting (and linking to Bloomberg). Nice enough, but when will Biden break the 2-2 deadlock at FCC so that internet delivery reform can happen? (Net Neutrality, not throttling, decent bandwidth upgrading, all that. Comcast was an instrumental Biden donor from the start of his 2020 campaign - hosting his launch fundraiser, etc., and Comcast is a nationwide ISP force). Foot-dragging serving the hand that feeds him? At a 2-2 standstill Ajit Pai's fingerprints remain on FCC policy, and he served the hand that fed him. It is indecorous.