
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Nina Turner for Congress. Ohio's 11th District. Even if Ohio is not in your home state, it is a campaign progressives should flock contributions to, since money in politics reform is a distant goal that can be pursued one trustworthy official at a time.

 DWT's link. That post mentions those who've endorsed Turner.

Who she is

What issues she embraces. How to contribute.

She is not Pelosi. She is not Schumer. She is not Tom Perez. She is better.

And it is Nina. Not Tina. Although Tina would be a cut better if in Congress than any House Republican if she ran and was elected, and better than far too many of the Democrat conservatives.

From the DWT item:

Turner is way ahead in the polls but the corrupt Democratic establishment is rallying around their own candidate, Shontel Brown, not so much because they want her rather than because they want to stop Nina Turner who they fear as an incorruptible and compelling agent of change. The DC lobbyist contingent and Hillary Clinton are frantically trying to raise money for Brown. Every single Democratic state senator from Cuyahoga County-- where Brown is the Chair of the local Democratic Party-- has endorsed Turner. Clinton's move to back Brown is mostly seen as part of her never-ending anti-Bernie psychosis. Grotesquely corrupt payday lender advocate Joyce Beatty from Columbus has also endorsed Brown, not unexpected.

Do you need more, or is that convincing enough? (If you need more, forget it!)