
Wednesday, June 09, 2021

January 6 seems to have faded into yesterday's news. There was an investigation/no investigation question kicked around a bit about a week ago. But let's see who recalls or has to web search what some called an icolnic image.

 File:Josh Hawley salute.jpg

That is the image. Who is pictured? Do you know, or do you look it up? 

Or do you not give a rip? In any event, a white guy in a suit in front of a white building, wearing a watch. A chain of black SUVs behind him.

A hint - likely a give away of who: The gentleman is a U.S. Senator. The photo was taken Jan. 6

Some may claim Jan 6 has entered our collective unconsciousness, for all of us, as an avatar if not in factual detail. We all do know indictments are pending. We know there were a lot of photos and video segments online. We all know The Q Shaman was in the Capitol on Jan 6, or at least most of us know that. Q Shaman was not wearing a suit (was he wearing a watch, if you can remember?)

Another hint, this white gentleman Senator has not been indicted, nor sanctioned by the Senate for anything he did Jan 6. There was some bleating. But he is not sensibly accused of anything unlawful. ("Sedition" is a word easily bandied, against another, yet, with some even saying the Trump Jan 6 rally was sedition-free.)


What did this Senator say he would do on Jan 6, which he in fact did do as he said he would? (Hint: He did it after darkness had fallen Jan 6.)

________FURTHER UPDATE________

The man has a lean and hungry look.