
Tuesday, June 08, 2021

It has been a while and I have not seen Biden do one fucking thing to lessen student debt burden.

He would have if he'd wanted to. The impression is he does not want to. Status quo Joe wants two-year trade schools. Staffed by Jills, not scholars. How that man has advanced himself says far too much about all that is wrong in our nation. Yes, better than Trump. So what? I am supposed to cheer that? Son Hunter is a paradigm of the well-raised educated man?

Better than Trump and nasty political shenanigans got him the White House, but not respect. Since getting the White House . . .

Taking care of nasty Neera Tanden, he's done that. She has a White House staff paycheck. A position where Senate confirmation was NOT required. Beyond that, what?

Better than Obama, or just a bit different at the edges? We wait and see. 

Obama did nothing to lessen student debt burden. They serve the wealthy. They want all of us other folks on payments.

Josh Hawley is a more interesting politician. Likely more dangerous, but more interesting. Possibly less dangerous.