
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

I could not make this up. It has to be true because it's on the web. Sad.

 This local news link:


Anoka County tells libraries not to use Pride, Black Lives Matter in messaging

Library employee sees the move as part of a pattern of censorship

That County Board is a real prize.

It appears the only socio-political things they left the librarians to feature is Jesus or insurrectionism. Each In its multiple ways and means, persons and affiliations.

You think? 

This as a backhanded hat-tip for Orwellian board-think (touching both suggested topics):



Make that Rhonda, and the County board, interlocking prizes. 

From the reporting it appears the board's official fingerprints are, for now, absent, with one board member wanting clarity:

Commissioner Mandy Meisner wrote on Facebook that ignoring the comments in the memo is not an option. She believes the County Board should discuss the issue, because the board gives direction to the county administrator, who gives direction to the library staff.

“To my knowledge, the full board has never discussed what words, history or events are allowed for our Libraries to use,” Meisner wrote

Hot time in the old town, if Mandy gets her wish. Have 'em dig the hole deeper.