
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

First report, 56,000 people, then Breitbart picked it up yesterday as 66,000+. Latest report this morning "more than 70,000 people" signed on. It looks to be shifting from a good idea to a movement.


BusinessInsider-India reporting online

More than 56,000 people have signed petitions to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth after his trip to space next month
Kate Duffy - Jun 21, 2021, 16:02 IST


Breitbart yesterday-  

66,000+ People Sign Petition to Stop Jeff Bezos from Returning to Earth After Spaceflight

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 09: Jeff Bezos, owner of Blue Origin, introduces a new lunar landing module called Blue Moon during an event at the Washington Convention Center, May 9, 2019 in Washington, DC. Bezos said the module will be used to land humans the moon once again. (Photo by …
Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Lucas Nolan

More than 66,000 people have signed two petitions calling to Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to not return to earth after he leaves the planet on a Blue Origin rocket next month.

More than 70,000 people have signed petitions to stop Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth after his trip to space next month -

It becomes a movement, millions may sign on. The entire public might cry out:


But Jeff being Jeff, auctioned a second seat to some ANON for $28 million bucks, instead.

Anybody who'd sign onto being blasted into space in the company of Bezos also deserves a non-return invitation. Perhaps - no - likely not, but - possibly -



Two thoughts - The earliest report of the growing petition found by Crabgrass online: 35,000 petitioners were reported, then. (After modest search.)

Second, - merchandise - they offer one, or a couple looking like Trump, but Bezos' petition popularity suggest one looking like him would sell, sell, sell.

There could be exponential signature growth, the whole world watching. Pinning.

______ FURTHER UPDATE______

A FOX outlet from June 19 might have been the trend-setter; reporting 25,000 signatures. Chasing history back any further is left to reader initiative.