
Thursday, April 01, 2021

NOTICE - Another blogger from Minnesota, Gary Gross in St. Cloud, MN, is still posting despite hacking problems with his LFR blog. Gary posts from a Republican perspective, (far from my progressive outlook), but Gary deserves the courtesy of this NOTICE BEING POSTED HERE for the time and effort he puts into his posts, year after year..

 LFR = Let Freedom Ring Blog, for those unfamiliar. Gary is posting despite the current

Gary is not a victim of a hosting service takedown, as with Parler, but there was hacking that shut that posting site down.

Currently, Gary is posting on Blogger, which might be temporary, or permanant, depending upon ability to reinvigorate the original LFR site. He posts at: 

Many of Gary's readers might already know this.  

This post is for the handful of Gary's followers who might also check Crabgrass from time to time and who might not know that Gary remains currently active on the web.