
Monday, April 26, 2021

Hometown Ramsey MN - Somebody's idea, where somebody else is expected to become a joiner.

 Lead item on town news sheet, Ramsey Resident.

 The City of Ramsey is gathering sponsorships as part of its Adopt-a-Flag Program designed to bring the community together and show our patriotism by sponsoring an American flag. The Adopt-a-Flag Program calls for community partners – both in the business and residential community – to sponsor a flag that will be affixed to a light pole along Sunwood Drive. As the program grows, flags may also be affixed to other light poles within the COR.The City can’t do this without your help! If you are interested in sponsoring a flag, please contact Kathy Schmitz at 763-433-9844 or A Friends-of-the-Flag Level Sponsorship is $50 and a Patriot Level Sponsorship is $500. This covers the cost of supplies as well as an engraved plaque which will be on display at Ramsey City Hall. Patriot Sponsors will also have an engraved nameplate affixed to the light pole. Adopting a flag can also serve as a symbol to honor the memory of a loved one. Sponsorships can be purchased online at:

Friends of the flag?

Patriot Level Sponsorship?

And don't stop short. Add a little bit of demagoguery from a little man waving a prop. Demagoguery of that kind goes well with you waving your flag.


And Hang Mike Pence - Or do I misunderstand the motive, mentality and personalities behind the latest beautiful really great right wing Ramsey thing?


The worse:

Who elected this disgrace? Who wants any part of it in Ramsey? We, as a community, are better than this. Why are new councilmembers the way they are?

In fairness: Yes, on who elected -- the other choice was Clintons-redux. There is that truth. A shame on Democratic Party inner party bullying karma. 

SO - One term came out of competing uglinesses. Where you know who to blame.

The greatest shame attaches to those in-denial souls who wanted to reelect  Prop-Man.