
Monday, April 19, 2021

Four assholes, Biden-Harris, and Trump-Pence. All I could do was vote against the perceived greater evil.

 Biden-Harris won because of many like me. Why this post? NYT exit polling seems to want to intentionally obscure the key issue - LESSER/GREATER EVIL as the only real choice.

Biden is mediocre, and a career corporatist beholden to big money. Harris is mediocre, and a career flip-flopper beholden to big money. Each is in a millionaire but traditional spousal pairing. As such, each is entirely unrepresentative of US on wealth; closer to mainstream marriage norms, among US. 

Gender, race, and East/West Coast diversity. Dems had it. But, so what? Pick the Coasts, damn the rest? Put a conservative old white guy atop the ticket? Because you can? For each ticket. And New York + Indiana against Delaware + California, again, so what? Big money backed both tickets; one having to be the perceived greater evil. Just remember, whichever, you voted for, your choice was evil.


Only mediocre made the day. Super inept-and-scary mediocre failed to win.

Tell that to the NYT - but, oh, that's not news. Nor fit to print. 

Too true. Too direct. INSTEAD - Ask a bushel full of dumb exit questions, fuzz up the truth. Hope it does not shine through the smokescreen.