
Monday, March 08, 2021

In order to sell that brand you have to be a Democratic Socialist, with dishelved white windblown hair, and not a Repubian acolyte of woof-woof food magnate John Danforth. But Breitbart trying says something.

 Josh Hawley, final paragraphs of a Breitbart online item:

The Missouri Republican argued a proper contrast would be for Republicans to compare approaches to trade, in which Democrats have supported policies that force the United States to compete with nations that engage in unfair labor practices.

“Well, how about bringing jobs back to our urban core from overseas?” he said. “Why don’t we start there? Why don’t we start with the disastrous trade policies and economic policies that the liberals in step with a big corporation have pursued for 30, 40 years and who’s been hurt most, working folks, African Americans working folks, Latino working folks, white working folks, Asian working folks, you name it. They’re the ones whose communities have suffered as these jobs have been shipped off to China. As these jobs have been shipped overseas to the lowest bidder to the lowest wages.”

“The Democrats have made American workers compete with slave labor, and they’ve done it in order to get rich, so the big corporations could get rich. It’s time to bring those jobs back and create opportunities in our urban core, in our rural areas, everywhere. For American workers, that’s where I’d start,” Hawley added.

Josh, get real. The Dems are Clintonian late arrivals to serving the rich. Your party invented it, and your mentor, Danforth, even fobbed Clarence Thomas off on the nation, Biden helping one whole hell of a lot on that job, thereby desecrating the Thurgood Marshall legacy black seat on the Court.

Josh - You ain't FDR. 

Give up the pose. Only Breitbart can take the pose seriously. Stick to telling rubes you will lower their taxes and fight government spending run amok. You are a Republican, after all. That is your mantra.

Stow the MAGA hat. It'sTrump's, not yours.