
Monday, March 01, 2021

Guardian publishes about Biden's mendacity over the fifteen buck living wage.

 Link. Read it.

This "parliamentarian" crap needs to end. It insults our intelligence.

The man is reneging on a promise.

On multiple fronts. He is mendacious, with no excuse for it. He lied to us about goals during his campaigning.

We cannot trust the man.

The only single thing the SOB has going, he's not Trump.

UPDATE: More of the same. At least Guardian is calling out the insulting mendacity. The SOB does not want to do things to help people. That is the bottom line. That is the truth in all the BS being fobbed on the public. Big money serviced, Neera Tanden for Christsakes, while people are being hung out to dry.

When a Presidency is started on this kind of a path, things will only get worse unless the man changes and the insulting crap gets stowed. Hope for it. Expect more of the same.