
Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Biden nominated that creep, Neera Tanden, as a sop to the Clinton machine. So awful she had to step down from the nomination. Biden vows to find the creep a paycheck. Taxpayers deserve better.

 Strib carries an AP feed:

"Unfortunately, it now seems clear that there is no path forward to gain confirmation, and I do not want continued consideration of my nomination to be a distraction from your other priorities," Tanden wrote in a letter to Biden. The president, in a statement, said he has "utmost respect for her record of accomplishment, her experience and her counsel" and pledged to find her another role in his administration.

Biden pledge - Find her another federal paycheck? Can't she move to the Clinton Foundation, sucking cash out from there? Being less a burden on the nation and on taxpayers? Joe should say NO. Earn a little respect that way. For now, finding the woman another paycheck is an insult to each of US and insult to all of US collectively. Carrying her weight has no purpose other than Clinton and Biden (and Podesta) solidarity. Tanden should be turned out to find another place, as a private sector hanger-on. That fits her skill set. It is who she has been.


Seattle Times carrying an NYTimes feed:

WASHINGTON — The White House on Tuesday abandoned its push to install Neera Tanden as the director of President Joe Biden’s budget office after it became clear that she could not overcome congressional opposition in both parties, making her nomination the first casualty of the evenly split Senate.

In a statement, Biden said that Tanden had requested that her nomination for director of the Office of Management and Budget be withdrawn and that, while he agreed to do so, he planned to find a place in his administration for her to serve in a different capacity.

“I have the utmost respect for her record of accomplishment, her experience and her counsel,” he wrote, bowing to the reality of the first significant defeat of his presidency. “I look forward to having her serve in a role in my administration. She will bring valuable perspective and insight to our work.”

Tanden, who was a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, had drawn bipartisan criticism for a prolific stream of social media posts that criticized lawmakers in both parties, often in vitriolic terms, and for her work at a liberal think tank, the Center for American Progress. Biden selected her to direct the budget office before Democrats had won control of the Senate, surprising lawmakers and aides in both parties.

The pick also surprised many of the economic aides in Biden’s inner circle, which Tanden had not been a part of, who saw her as more publicly combative and less bipartisan than most of Biden’s other nominees.

So, why include this bad choice in the first place? Biden owed the Clintons, or what? A confirmation would have given Clinton/Podesta access to budget planning, given the way this revolving door was set to revolve. Podesta sells lobbying services to willing buyers. It is his livelihood. Tanden's social media posting (in the NYTimes view) was a big factor; whereas her whoring to big money and dumping on Bernie from the PAC Podesta had set up with her installed in charge was a bigger worry to many - progressives - more than her stupidly childish BS tweets. 

Toxic waste is as it is. Toxic waste needs special handling.