
Saturday, February 20, 2021

Matt Look and his two complainants are now to the point of shaking lawyers at one another. Same Strib reporter is atop the ongoing saga.

 Last Strib paragraph first:

 Look has responded to the ongoing criticism by denouncing the harassment allegations and claiming instead that the two women are harassing him. He said at a recent board meeting that he will not step down from the position he's held the past decade, most recently winning re-election in November with 64% of the vote.

He likely had 64% of the highway signage that election cycle too. Matt prints signs, Matt posts signs. Like Abeler he owns many signs and each gets reelected - in perpetuity?

A sign of the times. Highway signs have more voter gravitas than Facebook.

God bless if so, since at least signs are more informative than stupid. 

Shaking lawyers, asserted in headlining and borne out by Strib's report.

I couldn't be making stuff like this up; it is more preposterous than any inventive streak I may have in making things up:

Joseph Field, an Anoka estate planning attorney, sent two cease-and-desist letters, dated Feb. 11 and Feb. 12, to both Danylle Peardon and Rachel Keller, weeks after the women shared their allegations against Look with the Star Tribune.


In interviews Wednesday, Peardon and Keller said they're not intimidated.

"I didn't get into this to have someone's lawyer come after me. I got into this to show what kind of guy [Look] is because I felt like the public needed to know," Keller said. "I'm not going to be intimidated and shut up by him because he thinks he is some wonderful person who has all the power."

Peardon said she will not remove her online statements. "You can't tell me how to feel. I felt scared," she said. "Take some accountability, say you're sorry, change your behavior and move on"

Bill Erhart, an attorney in Anoka County for 40 years, provided legal advice to both women.

"I suggest Mr. Look spend less time on Facebook and more time on resolving the issues in Anoka County," Erhart said in an interview. "The truth is a defense to any libel or slander claim. If they're telling the truth, why would they have to apologize?

Jeez, all you need as a topoff to the pissing match, is for some idiot to start some ineffectual biased online petition.  Short of saying "How about stopping pissing on each other's shoes," what would one sensibly petition for?

Strib reporting mentions DFL joining the fray, because they can, not because it comes anywhere near to being a good idea. I feel embarrassment for them. There are higher and better uses of time and resources. Printing signs or something. These people are doing hand wringing over "libtard" which is not a real word anyway.

As noted I could not be making this stuff up. It is too far over the top.

Grow up and govern? What's wrong with that? This level of due diligence neglect happens and Strib devotes multiple online reports on a pissing match? 

Who sets priority for what is necessary news? Somebody is missing the boat. Somebody likes theater over substance.