
Saturday, February 27, 2021

Is there a done deal in view; or is a pressure tactic only being escalated with uncertainty; or will the filibuster be prime target, with the wage decency issue the driving wedge?

Breitbart quoting Clyburn, a short article substantially as quoted:


On Friday’s “MSNBC Live,” House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) reacted to the Senate parliamentarian ruling that a minimum wage increase cannot be passed under reconciliation by stating that “We are not going to see the filibuster being used to deny economic security.” And “I’m not too sure President Biden is going to allow a filibuster to stop this pay increase.”

Clyburn said, “Now, there are several ways around the parliamentarian’s rulings. I don’t think that President Biden will want his vice president to overrule the parliamentarian, but I’m not too sure President Biden is going to allow a filibuster to stop this pay increase. The filibuster is anathema to so many in the communities that I represent. The filibuster was used to deny voting rights. The filibuster was used to deny fair judges. The filibuster was used to deny civil rights. We are not going to see the filibuster being used to deny economic security. So, I suspect that we’ll find a way around what the parliamentarian’s ruling was. I certainly hope so.”

Strong wording used whether for pressure or as an assurance of solidarity sufficient to get a done deal done, Clyburn has been a Biden campaign barometer, and into the Biden term, Harris is installed. There is inherent charm to the Ilhan Omar suggestion, "Fire the parliamentarian." It mirrors Trump's Session/Whitaker/Barr degradation and tarnish of the integrity sometimes accorded the Justice Department (would Diogenes succeed if looking for justice there).