
Thursday, February 04, 2021

Breitbart featuring Tucker Carlson who in turn featured the militarization of Washington DC. Contrasting it to other outlets featuring great Angst over Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is an idiot elected to Congress, which is in no way an unusual thing.

 Link. Blind pig, found a truffle?

Putting a perspective to Carson bloviating excess, GameStop has attained some MSM attention, but Carson seems correct that Ms. Greene garnered more MSM notice [if not love] than things involving money war.

Websearch. NBC. CNN.

And - back to Greene's idiocy, rhyming, Who be Q? You?

Have a nice day. Elon Musk might. Tesla was for a time a short selling target.

Hedge funds getting it in their shorts - news of a kind. Long term? Wait and see.

Two more links, here and here. See, big media outlets such as these two are on top of what Carlson says they ignore [or did he say suppress].

Give Breitbart/Carlson some credit - the GameStop ploys are more interesting than the Greene lady.