
Saturday, January 09, 2021

The Capitol Police in question about the Capitol event.

 Politico: Reporting in part:

[...] videos have also surfaced showing a small number of officers pulling down barricades for the rioters and, in another instance, stopping for a photo with one of them.

Some of those incidents were raised on a 3.5-hour caucus call by House Democrats on Friday, demanding an investigation not only into the decisions by the Capitol Police leadership but by some rank-and-file officers caught on camera. But the lawmakers also raised general concerns that the rioters had some sort of outside help not necessarily attributable to the Capitol’s police corps.

Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) told his colleagues he thought the riots were “an inside job,” according to two lawmakers on the call.

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) mentioned that looters had found their way to his unmarked, third floor office and stole his iPad. He questioned how they could locate that office but not his clearly marked ceremonial office in Statuary Hall. Later, another Democrat on the call, Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) specifically raised the question of possible collusion among some Capitol Police officers, according to several people listening.

In an interview airing Sunday, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) said she believes some Capitol Police officers aided the rioters and may have helped steer them once inside the building, calling it “one of the most troubling things” about the assault.

“I am very sad to say that I believe that there were people within the Capitol police and within the Capitol building that were part of helping these insurrectionists to really have a very well-coordinated plan for when they were going to come, how they were going to come,” Jayapal said on Gray TV’s “Full Court Press with Greta Van Susteren.”

Dealing in "conspiracy theory?" With reason and logical support, theories are not presumptively a bad thing. Who shot Kennedy, and The Trade Center Was an Inside Job, are neat ones that never will be fully suppressed. 

This one? Evidence is always important, and we await evidence. At this point, the theory has credibilty; at least as much or more credibility as saying election fraud happened. Few mention Rudy's rhetoric at the Trump demonstration at the Washington Monument. He is reported to have spoken.

Knives are being sharpened, and moving on might be the best thing for the people of the nation. Grudges against Trump may be justified. But productive? You decide.