
Saturday, January 09, 2021

Something akin to prevailing wage law for skilled trades, a centerpeice of union supportive policy - suggested for skilled professional labor per a simple: if not us, pay the same as if us.

 Breitbart. Read it. If Trump truly meant Americans first, instead of American corporations first, this would have been debated policy shortly after Jan. 20, 2017; and it would not have been a tardy sabot thrown on the way out into corporate-friendly policy in place and governing, over an entire four years of blather. 

Aside from timing, however, some degree of debt relief might be a consequence of such a policy, if continued. However, due consideration should be given to foreign workers who simply are smarter than available U.S. born alternative hires.

But be real. Paying prevailing terms, foreign or U.S. born as policy, will undercut cheapskate incentives presently alleged as a problem (and surely looking like one). 

Also, realize that many foreign born are educated in U.S. grad schools, and then hired as best and brightest in the pool. "Brain drain" is a long existing terminology.

Best and brightest access should never be denied an employer; just make each employer pay prevailing salary and terms. Level the playing field, but don't tilt it either way, and the result may prove interesting and informative.

Also, the bigger the allowed labor pool, the lower pay exploiters can get away with, so access quota restrictions may be needed. 

BOTTOM LINE: Where labor can be snaked by greedy capital, level things better. 

Perhaps even tax incentives could be utilized to favor "employ American." I.e., if there is to be a tilting of the playing field, favor labor over capital. A tax penalty can be used against cheapskate capitalist abusers of fairness in the intellectual labor market. Gates and Bezos are entitled to access to competitive hiring as to skill, but should be denied entirely cheapskate abuse of U.S. born professional labor. Also, outsourcing based on labor cost is abusive capitalism and needs to be quelled.

Will Biden-Harris-Pelosi-Schumer remain corporatist in outlook, rather than labor friendly is a question to be anticipated and addressed by progressives. Shine sunlight on the question and abusive behavior will possibly have to pay a price in terms of enterprise goodwill. Keep abuses under wraps, and a goodwill incentive will remain absent. In that regard, corporate MSM is and likely will remain at fault. 

Biden's history is loyalty to corporate capital, over goodwill toward the people. He will need permanent feet to the fire over his four years in office, before being replaced.