
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I did not vote for Joe Biden. I voted against Donald Trump. Millions did. Biden was the only other real option. And, yes, the election was rigged.

Clyburn and Biden and Bloomberg rigged the election back during the primaries when the only decent candidate was torpedoed by that crowd and co-conspirators.

Recall the stalking horse candidacies which conveniently all folded; with Biden endorsed; just before South Carolina and other southern states held primaries.

That was rigging things, beyond any possible reasonable dispute.

Bernie would have won 2016. Bernie would have won 2020. Bernie suffered the inner party establishment squeeze both times.

Bernie would have been a fresh, intelligent and vigorous President. Not a ghost of a good choice, as is Biden.

THAT IS THE STORY. The election was rigged that way. The voting, how would I know whether basically it was or was not honest? Mainstream media is full of items declaring voting was not rigged, but how would they know? 

Somebody tells somebody else who tells some servile reporter "Don't worry, be happy." The publisher/owner of that reporter's outlet smiles as "Don't worry, be happy" gets published time and again to where suspicion attaches to how frequently MSM declared "truth" the way the owners wanted it. Comcast was an early Biden supporter, and they liked the election results to where they denied rigging. It is over. Trump is out. Bernie got fucked. Biden is illegitimate that way.

The final result, Trump out. By my judgment and belief set and perception that was a big time plus for the nation.

Biden? You tell yourself, do you expect anything beyond mediocrity?

Based on Biden's decades in DC, mediocrity is the best bet, and what does Harris on the ticket add one way or the other?

Turning DC into a short term [hopefully so] super police state does deliver a message, but one as perverse as the Covid virus, and yes, reader opinions can differ.

Hope for rain. I do.



If you were Joe Biden, what would you do?

If I were Joe Biden, I would do exactly what he is doing. However, if I had Joe Biden's position, but my conscience and values, there'd be one big hell of a difference.

Sirota, here, here and here.

For starters I would revive FDR's four freedoms as a basis for all domestic policy.

Somebody has to, and it sure as hell is not Schumer, not Pelosi, not Hoyer, not Clyburn. The smugness of us-or-four more stinks, it is being inaugurated, and it will get four years; with dissatisfaction showing up 2022 in the mid-terms.

Harris? Give me a break.This sentence has a ring to it, "Going on the offensive and then retreating on busing made Harris seem inauthentic."

Inauthentic is as good a word as any for our new VP. Wealthy is another. From that linked item, 

"Based on 2018 tax returns obtained by the New York Times, the Biden/Harris ticket is the wealthiest of all the combinations of the Democratic hopefuls in 2020. Harris’s adjusted gross income (AGI) was nearly $1.9 million, putting her directly behind her running mate, Joe Biden with his $4.5 million in income."

Two career-politician-millionaires. 

Serving what constituency? Biden chases money's wants and desires. Guess what got him where he is? Guess whether he stayed in DC power positions by biting any feeding hand?

Go figure.


Not that Trump will be missed. Just expect little from Joe, and be surprised at how little he delivers. He will be a single term disaster. Already on track for it. All I can add to that, I still believe voting against a Trump four-more was the only sane choice allowed by the corrupt, inauthentic two-party establishment.