
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Gary Gross at his St. Cloud, MN, blog has an interesting post about the anti-Parler gang-up, and by links, how it might portend lessened freedoms for US.

 He does not word it that way, and uses "Nancy Pelosi" as his codeword for "Deep State" and "evil" but beyond that, he links to Greenwald and Tucker Carlson.

His post is here, where you can for your own good need to follow his links.

The never-ending war on terror was a Bush family invention, with Cheney, and now the next Cheney generation hops aboard "domestic terrorism" which translates to McCarthyism with a modern spin. Biden has used that "domestic terrorist" phrase and was a key facilitator of the Bush-Cheney war-on-terror crock of stuff, where domestic surveillance was done illegally, and with the present pearl clutching frenzy seeming aimed at cutting freedoms. Freedoms which would hit progressives as well as white supremecism and Tea Party extremes. A blunderbuss aim at anybody not liking  the entrenched status quo (as DC hands it to you after greased by monied people with an insidious anti-labor, anti-progressivism agenda), i.e., such "malcontents" would collectively be branded "deplorables." 

And "Status Quo Joe" is nobody's misnomer. The name's been earned over decades.

So, while Tucker Carlson is as sleazy as Jerry Rivers, here is another Parler related Carlson video link, beyond the one Gary posts.

This pearl clutching, "they invaded our sacred Capitol, sedition, sedition, sedition," frenzy-song fits exactly with how the Deep State has treated Assange and Manning and would love to treat  Snowden (who Trump on the way out should pardon along with Assange and Manning). It is almost as if Trump's purpose was to clown into discrediting the Tea Party, appearing unintentional in doing so, it being a step and tactic which would serve rather than confront the Deep State, and which would fit Trump's pardoning ones besides those who've rained on the Deep State's parade.

As to unintentionality - Remember The Phone Call, and this image, cronies out where listeners might not abound. Enjoying "the links."

And some among us, optimists despite history, thought requiring loyalty oaths was a dead creature out of the '50s.

Think again. Trump being painted as seditionist is the same type of witchhunting as the HUAC hearings, "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?" needs only a substitution of "Tea" for "Communist" to ring bells today.