
Friday, January 01, 2021

1/1/21 - How to start the year identifying what to expect?

 There is a website:

More could be written of the site, but the name says enough.

Expect Davos, expect a Great Reset

Expect to be wholly sick of Biden and Harris before Jan. 20

Expect it to get worse from there.

Expect Bloomberg. Expect Clyburn. Expect Hoyer. Expect Pelosi. I.e., expect absolute mediocrity fronting for nasty wealthy people who love fascism and militarized police.

Expect six hundred bucks to be solid proof of the actual love and respect DC politicians have for each and every one of the people of the nation. You cannot today bury somebody for six hundred bucks.

Expect going into THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION being MSM served BS, day in, day out. Not obtrusively to tip things off. Insidiously.

Expect Bernie's revolution would have been far better, and could not have been worse.

Expect Pompeo to be the GOP 2024 candidate. Expect him to win.

Wear a mask. Have a Happy New Year. Wash your hands. Socially distance.

Expect FDR's Four Freedoms to again be forgotten lore, fiction-like, a home-run concept not ever to appear on FOX.


1/5/21 - Expect more of the same:
hat tip to DWT for image and evidence