
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Naomi Klein, recently and a half year ago, about the Great Reset, (hoax?), amid the IT adage playing out at the White House; garbage in, garbage out; on Jan. 20.

 Here and here. There is opportunity in suffering. The problem is those atop things see a different opportunity than those under foot, the latter wanting reform, the former wanting things to not fundamentally change beyond getting the squeeze tighter..

 And if you think only one side of the Jan. 20 garbage in garbage out is truth; be prepared to observe the next two years and the 2022 mid-term elections.

Garbage is. Garbage will be. 

UPDATE: Garbage with a Wikipedia entry. Do realize neither you nor I write Wikipedia entries, but somebody does. Minimizing the issue of the power, reach and intent of Davos attendees can have collateral damage. Garbage imperils, is one way to view it.

FURTHER: Build back better. Orwell could have used it in writing of Newspeak via the Inner Party. .

Try a view here and here. Enjoy your holiday time. And agree with your friends. Whatever they say, agree. It is civility and convenience rolled into one.

FURTHER: A websearch = Klaus Schwab "the great reset"

The first returned linked item, a PDF of something Schab co-authored.

January 20.