
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Who we are. If who we are is not who we should be, what steps follow? Say, perhaps, "downfund" instead of "defund?" [UPDATED - And recall the Biden motto, "Nothing will fundamentally change." It seems to hold true locally]

Image from here, Strib, and this post might be UPDATED, perhaps, perhaps not.

Dandy little Star Wars outfits, ready for next year, next Halloween,  Inspiring trust in the ability to manage a peaceful protest in the best show of compassion and grace.

And the chemical weapons, not shown, but in the ready in the background. Gotta get "their" attention, and then it's time for compassion and grace? 

Get real. If those outfits are not a provocation to escalation, what would be? Aimed assault rifles? We could, you know . . . Kent State redux? 2021 version?


Happy Thanksgiving Day. No sheaves to bring in, but having morning coffee and Internet access deserve thanks, even under the perpetual real threat of morbid hackers and the Imperial Fascist Security State's attention (is there a difference?). 

The Strib item in which the opening image of this post originated, this link. Title:

Six months after George Floyd's death, division remains on police changes --- City budget negotiations will provide the next big test of elected leaders' willingness to implement changes.

Biden won. Accept it. Even if you never counted any votes and do not trust those who did. The Business Roundtable has spoken, back Nov. 7 in fact, so it's over; mainstream media in tow, in fascist lockstep agreement - The hall rang with the hosannas of the faithful -  so who'd credibly deny or even doubt?

Had it been Biden against Romney, what's the difference? But it was not, and Joe will wear his flag better than the train wreck he replaces, (for his own four years and out), 

New Top Dog, with his hanger-on entourage being identified in press releases. 

Don just did not wear the flag well. Biden is thinner, so you will be able to tell the difference.

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________

Sniff around those BRT links, Wikipedia and the several BRT pages; and  - - - 

there also is a BRT Facebook page

- - - be thankful? Thankful the nation is being run by such able hands and studied minds of the industrial engine we call the U.S. of A? Run by a big club. Never mind the politicians.