
Saturday, November 07, 2020

In an election that was a referendum on Trump, voters picked not-Trump. Wow. What a landslide for Joe What's-his-name, the one with the Ukranian son.

Joe can flash his teeth all he wants, but he did not win. 

Trump lost. There is a great difference.

As in saying, "Lesser Evil?"

Readers - Can you say, "Don't steal any of the nation's tableware or silver or furnishings on the way out, but do take with you your Andrew Jackson crap?" Can you say, "Don't leave Jarad behind when you take Ivanka and the other offspring away, wherever?"

And, Don, stop tweeting. 

It lost votes, gained nothing, and was banal.

And Don, would you say Pence and Bolton were why you lost? Your base would believe it if you said it. Their believing it would be the one last helpful thing you could do. 

Watch the doorknob doesn't hit your ass when leaving. You deserve the love behind that last sentence.

Leave a MAGA hat for Joe. Go back to selling Trump steaks, Trump vodka.