
Monday, November 30, 2020

Hamlet should have spoken in the plural.

. . . slings and arrows of outrageous fortuneS . . . 

You tell me, would you buy a used car from Bloomberg, Bush, or Powell?

Of course not. But Donald Trump was so bad - tax cut for the rich and letting a killer virus run wild nationwide, both done with bombast and pure disdain for US - that we had to buy into a used Biden foisted from these outrageous fortunes. YES IT SUCKS. Smiling little mayor from McKinsey, Klobuchar, Clyburn and all. But my lesser evil vote was torn from me, that way, by them. Welcome to the Belarus coup, the Iranian provocations. Shock and awe bullshit redux.

Biden - Harris. Tools which they forced upon US.

Bless Elizabeth Warren for calling out the one asshole.

Hamlet was hoist in the petard of . . . or by taking arms, and by opposing, end them. What we need is a 21st Century equivalent of the Glorious Revolution that Britain had after the Charles/James/Cromwell years of terror Britain lived. 

Nina Turner  UPDATE: Upon reflection, make that

Ayanna Pressley

should primary Harris, 2024. But don't expect it. The money's behind Kamala's pliant ambition. [Hoping to live that long, to 80, to see how the two party circus screws US yet again, that election cycle; why not just expect more of the same?] Things were better before Reagan, but he was a scripted actor, mediocre at it but with MSM repeatedly lying to US per their "Great Communicator" fiction. Shoveling it for the paycheck.

A referendum on Trump, and he still got all those votes. It is what an utterly corrupt two party system delivers. We are getting bent over forward and jobbed.

At least Trump (but only on the way out) is downsizing their two-party CIA-opium trade Afghanistan adventuring, but expect Biden to be Obama redux, in continuing (or re-escalating) that Deep State intrigue; Sackler family and all. Biden will want his Martha's Vineyard waterfront.

UPDATE: Image is from, And, a Bonus link. Re that link: Giving the benefit of doubt to inner-party leadership of both mainstream parties, and to the mainstream media; what appears to be their online collective blind eye/hands-off parallelism possibly has been coincidental rather than informally, implicitly coordinated. A websearch.